Healing Bags
Everyone deserves to have their basic needs met. Our goal is to lighten the financial burden for homeless, displaced, or at-risk women in our community. We provide Healing Bags that include various toiletries and personal care products so that these ladies feel clean, healthy, and safe. Healing Vine Harbor supplies our clients AND donates Healing Bags to homeless girls at Garinger High School, homeless women at My Sister's House and the Salvation Army's Women's Shelter as well as Home4Me girls that age out of foster care. YOUR $20.00 donation can provide over 1 month's supply of toiletries for each woman in need!
Each Healing Bag includes:
8920 Lawyers Rd # 690483, Mint Hill, NC 28227
Healing Vine Harbor is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.